Dear The Circus Dialogues & all your insides and all your outsides,


This week we prepared for preparation. We prepared for more work. More or less work. The constraints and freedoms that the work allows. We prepared for constraint. We set some lines to move between. I wonder if I can learn to be like smoke. The magic in magic is often not the same as the magic that is promised by the illusion presented. Is that the same experience as being in a practice and watching what that practice looks like from the outside. I’m interested in what it is to prepare for the practice of watching practice, for us to take some responsibility for that  as if watching was active 😉 I think this week prepared me for that wish. I think we maybe had already begun preparing for that wish. If a practice is about practice and dedication and repetition – what could that mean for how I watch performances? What are my responsibilities? Obligations? Training regimes? Warm ups? What does my practice invite? How can I prepare these invitations? What are my boundaries? What do I not want to invite inside of my practice? How to respect these boundaries? I don’t need to understand things in order to respect them. That does not kill my desire to understand them. How to have more self respect? That is something I would like to prepare for. This week we laid some fertile ground to grow questions – we planted freedom, constraint & consent – but we are not in control of what else grows there. Is violence growing there? How to tend to the plants – including the weeds.? How to prepare for a healthy sustainable ecosystem? What does the ground require? Ask for? What wants to grow there? How do we know we’re on the right patch of ground for us! What is our connection with the earth? Is preparation for life and all the existential questions I have related to it too much to ask for a circus practice? This week we prepared for seeing what happens.


All my ready and prepared love,


PS sometime my gardening is too slapdash


Leuven, June 2021