

release, strength, distance 


Look around 


It gets a lot sometimes


Refusal means letting go. 

Refusal is a position, this moment is here to ask you to consider it as a valid one.

You have the tendency and desire to continue, to participate, to push through, to cope, to make a change, to destruct. 


This is here to tell you that it is time to quit. 

Look around 


Refusing is a beautiful sort of destruction. 


Don’t forget that refusal is a continuation too. 




Maybe you’ve been juggling for too long.


Maybe refusal could be a different kind of carrying. Not a way out, but a different way in, into something else. 


Make a space for something else to come in. Wait by the door. 




Look around. 


Maybe there is a space for not-doing, for unbecoming, for withdrawal. 


Consider that.