This card indicates a sudden loss of weight that felt like a burden, dragging you down. Shwoooooshhhh and pfffffttt: the invisible thread holding things apart snaps. They now collide. Their collision briefly creates an assembly, represented by the tower in the left bottom of the card. This, however, is a card in motion: as the particles collide into a tower-like shape, they simultaneously disassemble, and the tower crumbles. You might feel that you are left to pick up the pieces of a past event. This probably feels like never-ending story, or maybe a task in which you don’t know where to begin. ‘Crumble’ draws your attention to the shapes and corridors that appear as you are laying the puzzle. Know that these will always appear, even if you feel confused right now. It’s up to you to decide. Your pockets are empty, and so are your hands. Are you crumbling? Or are you making a new, different puzzle with what’s left?
Advice: try assembling the crumbs into a fan-like shape which extends beyond the boundaries of what you think divides something from something else. Let it fan out. Let things crumble, fall apart and trust their re-assembly. Observe the different shapes that appear.